I needed to launch a process at boot time, monitor and restart it if it crashed. After researching and considering monit, node.js forever, supervisord etc, I chose Upstart. Not that I knew enough about all of them to make an informed decision mind you. But if the distribution (CentOS and many others) has chosen it as a replacement for the venerable System V then who am I to disagree.
Ok enough about why, let's get to the what. It is a simple what like they all are.
I was fighting this one job which I had initially set up to:
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
but now I wanted to start only when told to start (so as to delay the start at boot time enough to allow my cloud-init script to make some config changes before bringing up the process/server/daemon using those config changes):
start on my-start-event
stop on my-stop-event
And of course I was going to trigger these at the end of the cloud-init script which made the config changes like so:
initctl emit my-start-event
In theory (from docs) it was all supposed to work but it wasn't.
I had tried:
initctl reload-configuration
and so on but no gives.
In the end it was my eagerness to centralize code - had put job.conf in my project under SVN and symlinked to it from /etc/init/job.conf. A little line in the initctl manual was the key to figuring out the problem:
Requests that the init(8) daemon reloads its configuration. This command is generally not necessary since init(8) watches its configuration directories with inotify(7) and automatically reloads in cases of changes.
Well the symlink timestamp does not change when the target content changes!! Ok off with it and will implement a deployment script to take the job.conf from project to where it needs to be.
What if you use a hard link instead of a soft link ?
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right and thanks for pointing that out. When I symlinked it I did not think or know about the initctl reload-configuration or the automatic reloading and timestamps etc. But in retrospective a hardlink is perfect. Will keep in mind to decide whether a hard or soft link is the appropriate choice every time I use "ln" from now on. Here is a nice description of the difference between hard and soft http://linuxgazette.net/105/pitcher.html